Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25/12 BR

I honestly feel that O'bama paid someone to write that or has someone seriously brain washed. I dont trust O'bama no more than I can throw him. I think that he is just trying to say anything bad about Romney so he will win.

10/24/12 BR

I feel that the race is going to be very close with O'bama and Romney. I would not donate $5 to the O'bama thing if my life depended on it. And I'm hoping that Romney wins!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10/23/12 BR

I think that the Real ID Act is a good idea. But I dont like the fact that it will be more complicated for women whom are married or divorced. It is stupid that they want to spend that much money on it though.

Monday, October 22, 2012

10/22/12 BR

Gambling should be aloud it obveously raises money. And if people have a gambling problem that's their deal. But the Greenbrier is a really good money raiser. They should not do away with it.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

10/19/12 BR

Obama said that the issues didnt change and the still havent changed. Jon showed two pictures. one of Obama and his wife standing side by side looking mad. The other is his wife wearing pink and getting ready to hug Obama.

10/18/12 BR

Five things learned from Thursday's debate. Romney has binders full of women. He and Obama dont like eachother very much. Obama talk's way to much and i dont think he know's what in the world he is talking about. I cant wait for this to be over with I think it's stupid and Romney needs to win because Obama sucks as a President.

Friday, October 19, 2012

10/16/12 BR

1. I think Romney and Obama will be close but I am personally hoping that Romney gets it. But I also dont think that it's fair because we should a an equal country.

2. I dont think that the Electoral College should get to choose who wins.

Monday, October 15, 2012

10/15/12 BR

Instead of actually teaching the students the teacher's are just wanting higher test scores but dont want to help out.

10/12/12 BR

Ryan held his own and he was more profetional then Biden, but Biden won. I guess the speech was okay.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10/11/12 BR

It should not matter what color some one is they should still have a choice of a higher education. I dont feel that it is right for the colonie to be able to choose a student of their race.

10/10/12 BR

people need to start worrying about whats going on in our country and not about the stupid big bird ad! there are a lot more important things going on through out the world.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

10/8/12 BR

I think it's a good idea honestly. But then again I dont. They are going to be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on the losers. But I would be in that sign up line.

10/4/12 BR

whether Romney lied or not i would probably still vote for him. i can NOT stand Obama. with him wanting to shut down the mines. that's putting of a thousand of people through out the US.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10/3/12 BR

I guess it's okay but I dont think it's always right.
59 gave to Democrats (78%)
17 gave to Republicans (22%)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10/2/12 BR

I dont think it matters what the surpreme court looks like as long as Obama isn't apart of it!

Monday, October 1, 2012

9/28/12 BR

Should college students be allowed to have concealed weapons?
1.) self deffence
2.) less chances to be attacked
3.) allows people to not have to worry as much

10/1/12 BR

I think that the sercurity let alone the person with the gun should get some type of punishment. I dont understand how the security let something like that happen? how could they have missed a gun in someones bag? Like how does that happen honestly???