Friday, November 30, 2012

11/30/12 BR

I honestly dont know what to think nor feel about this mother uploading a photo of her naked teen on facebook. What was she thinking? Sometimes parents just dont deserve to have children! And another thing, why did the teen take the photo? Why didn't the mother delete the photo?

I cant get the articial to load but from the looks of reading the tittle i think it's messed up. Teen's are going to have the music up to loud. That's what we do!! Get over it.

Wow seeing the tittle of the woman murdering 3 year old in trash isn't any better than the man killing a teen. I cant get this one to load either but what is wrong with people these days! What is wtong with our world?

11/29/12 BR

O'Bama had lunch with Romney in a privite dinning room in the White House. It says they are hope that a photo is released from the meeting with Romney and O'Bama on how it went. O'Bama wants Romney's opinion and help on somethings.

11/28/12 BR

Over millions  of people are taling and buy powerball tickets. The amount of the powerball is unbelievable!!! 500 million dollars! That's insane and makes me want to take the chance of playing.

What would I do if I won the powerball? Well lets think... I would probably finish out high school, pay for my college eduation, and build me a house and also I would like to help people whom do not have much at all. Then who knows what I would do. Winning 500 million dollar's I have to say would be a dream come true.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

11/27/12 BR

Donating money and things to Charities is a good thing. Though in some places they will reseave more and other that was affected by the things that has happened in the year of 2012, will not.

11/26/12 BR

I have to say that this "Baby Box" is an okay idea seeming how the parents are not killing the infants. But I also feel and believe that this is wrong to not want your baby. If you simpely do not want a child dont do the deed.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

11/15/12 BR

Taxes are going up and people arent thinking about our future and how O'Bama is running America straight into the ground.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

11/14/12 BR

1st- Well I think that the prego lady is simply crazy. She is stupid for putting her baby daddy indanger like that. But I think it's funny because she did it because he didn't vote.

2nd- I honestly don't care anymore about the election i'm just upset at the fact O'Bama won and more than a million people are going to be jobless and probably homeless.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

11/13/12 BR

I think that this dude is crazy and that he has brain washed his family. It's probably not going to happen. Though i'm not saying it can't because it probably could. I just think it's crazy.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

10/29/12 BR

It's all coming down to Ohio on who our president is going to be. Hopefully they will make the right decision and not vote for O'bama.