Monday, December 17, 2012

12/17/12 BR

Im not sure how I feel about this. I feel hurt and sorrow but I just can't gather what sick individuals would do something like this. What was going through this guys head when he fired those shots? shooting 20 students under the of 16. Those kids couldn't defind themselves. They had no cllue what was happening. And had no chance to live. I hate to think how the other students, family and friends feel and think. I know the other students are feeling unsafe and scared along with their familys. I only wish there were something that we could do to stop the violence in the world today!

Friday, December 14, 2012

12/14/12 BR

In Florida a man sold his name to the highest bidder. To me that's just stupid. Just go get a freakin job and keep your last name. But he is okay with it and thinks that it's fine so he is going to continue selling self made items.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/13/12 BR

I think it is a problem to be in the army and over weight and out of shape. Being over weight can slow you down. What if they send you out and you are slow doing your duty? How is that going to work? Now being in shape and over weight is different.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 BR

There was a natural gas explosion that happened yesterday in sissonville that took place on I79.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/11/12 BR

I dont really understand the bell ringer for today and I really do not care either way if the Fiscal Cliff passes or fails.

12/10/12 BR

I don't care what the age of those boys were, they knew what they were doing so therefore the deserve a punishment. It also sounds like to me that they don't have very good parental supervision.

12/7/12 BR

I feel that it is citizen incivility because we as citizens shouldn't be worried about snapping photos of someone who is in need of help or who has been in a accident. We should take part in trying to help someone out who needs a hand or who has been in an accident rather than pulling out our phones and snapping a photo of them. I agree when they say people are just worried about feeding our social networks with capturing shocking videos and pictures.

12/6/12 BR

whoever has the better spoken word deserves the Grammy Award for the Best Spoken album. When chosing who deserves the award they should pay close attention to how much time they've put in it, purpose, and whether they've really put their all in it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12/5/12 BR

They are trying to stop the ban on women in combat.

12/4/12 BR

They are talking about how they do not want to cause a lot of problems with the fillbuster.

Monday, December 3, 2012

12/3/12 BR

Extending school hours!?! I think it's an okay idea though it doesn't sound fun but it would make school end faster.