Thursday, January 31, 2013

1/31/13 BR

i feel that everyone needs to just give up on the gun controll thing because it is never going to happen. and even if it were going to happen it still would not stop the killings. and in west virginia pretty much everyone owns a gun and you heardly ever hear about a gun shooting here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1/30/13 BR

I feel that if you go to college for something then you need to get a job for what you went to college for.

1/29/13 BR

They have said that here pretty soon in boy scouts and 4h gay will be able to join along with other groups. Some people are making a big deal out of this but i personally think its a good idea because it should not matter what one sex likes as long as the dont make it a deal while sesions are going on.

1/16/13 BR

Washington started using a new license plate "taxation without representation". They will be using those plates on the presidental cars.

1/15/13 BR

A few other states along with West Virgina had nothing to do with the say of gun control. I'm sure they wouldn't because all of the people who go hunting and what not. Though Tomblin said something about a magazine that some what made since.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/14/13 BR

It's not going to matter or not whether or not if the ban weapons or not if someone wants to go on a war path killing people or whatever they are going to do it one way or another.

Monday, January 28, 2013

BR 1/28/13

Hillary Clinton for president? Well I personaly consider that being an okay idea. I mean what harm could it be? I'm sure she would be a better president then O'bama. The world would probably be so much better if a woman were president. They have never gave a woman the chance to be. She would have my vote!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/22/13 BR

Monday, January 21, 2012 was Martin Luther King Jr. Day along with the inaugarition of the U.S. President. President Obama gave his second inauguration to the public on Sunday, January 21  but it wasn't aired until the 22nd. Obama recited everything that took place in the past four years and thing's that are going to happen in the next four, we hope. He talked about gun control, and gay rights. It was the first time a President championed gay marriage in inaugural address. Gun control was mostly his main point. Beyonce sang the National Anthem at the ball for everyone who attended. Over a million people attended the inauguration in 2008 but only 800,000 previously. Republicans weren't pleased with Obama's speech and said that he didn't outreach to everyone enough. Many festivities took place througout the week, such as a ball and a parade. It was the 57th Inauguration Ceremony. It usually lasts all day and all night. He says the White House looks forward to continuing to work with both the House and the Senate to increase certainty and stability for the economy. More specifically, they targeted the defense of the programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

Friday, January 4, 2013

civics 7th period mid term exam review


  1. People who move from one country to another are called________________.
  2. People who are visiting or non-citizens are called____________________.
  3. A ______________ democracy is when citizens vote on all issues.
  4. The United States government is a _________________________ Democracy.
  5. ____________________ is the study of the rights and duties of citizens.
  6. ____________________ is a ruling authority for a community.

Constitution: Please define each article by listing the correct Branch of Government

Article 1: __________________________________________

Who are the two members of this branch of government?

What are 3 duties of this branch?

Article 2: _______________ ______________________________

Who are the members of this branch of government?

What are 3 duties of this branch?

Article 3: ____________________________________________________________

Who are the members of this branch of government?

What are 3 duties of this branch?

Bill of Rights: Please define each amendment.

Amendment one:____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment two:_____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment three:___________________________________________________________________________

Amendment four:___________________________________________________________________________

Amendment five:_____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment six:_____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment seven:__________________________________________________________________________

Amendment eight:___________________________________________________________________________

Amendment nine:____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment ten:_____________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, January 3, 2013

BR 1/3/13

You would think that the man that was stealing the trailer would think something was odd. A plane flying over top of me, it followed me miles down the road? But I guess theifs just aren't that bright. What an idiot!!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

BR 1/2/13

The Senate and The White House had finalized the details with their deal to avert the fiscal cliff. The bill pretty much follows the framework from this afternoon from the McConnell-Biden talks, with key additional details. Tax rates will rise for good, to Clinton-era levels for families with income above $450,000 and individuals above $400,000. The estate tax will be set at 40 percent with a $5 million exemption. The sequester will be delayed for about two months. Half of the delay will be offset by discretionary cuts, split between defense and non-defense. The pay freeze on members of Congress, which Obama had lifted earlier this year, will be re-imposed.