Thursday, May 9, 2013

5/9/13 BR

the bell ringer is talking about oxyana and oxycontin. the people in wyoming county town dont like it because they dont have a drug problem.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5/8/13 BR

she thinks he violatited her freedom of speech. she jus wants people to give in and give her what she wants i think.

5/7/13 BR

she more les wants mone and attention

Monday, May 6, 2013

5/6/13 BR

The bellringer talks about how the bomber from the Boston bombing's uncle is planning his funeral and no one wants to do it. I honestly don't blam them for not wanting to. I sure wouldn't, that's just me though.

Friday, May 3, 2013

5/2/13 BR

they were charged with trying to mess up the investigations. plus they throw away the backpack that had a lot of things in it.

the quote is true we do need to stand up to those who do wrong.

i dont think that they couldnt have bombed bost and not caused hacvo.

people should always try to help those in need and if you dont you possible could help those in need.

if i were a friend of them i probably would have told the polices and stay out of their way as much as possible.