Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3/27/13 BR

i think its unfair that gay couples cant get married. i dont see what the big deal is why they cant and why people are so against it?!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/13/13 BR

Byrde made a law that all government funded institutions to educate the students on the 17th of september. Byrde thought that it was imprtant for them to get the knowlegde of the constitution and the bill of rights and i agree with him.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


what are the different types of juryies?
 there is a Grand Jury and a Petit Jury
A Grand Jury does not decide whether or not someone is guilty or not guilty. They hear the evidence and then decide if the person should be indicted and tried for committing a crime. If you go to court and selected to be a Grand jury you may spend more time then what you would for a Petit Jury.
A Petit Jury will hear a persons case that is either a criminal or a civil case. A Criminal calls for 12 jurors and a Civil calls for 8 jurors. Criminal must find the person guilty or not guilty. Civil calls for at least three-fourths to reach a verdict. Civil also has an alternative juror just incase one of the others are sick or unforseen circumstances.
How do you become a Juror?
The jurors are chosen at random from a list of names of registered voters.


would you like to be a juror ...and why or why not...also mention which cases would be difficult for you to render a deicsion.

Umm... i think i might like to be a juror because it sounds like it would be fun though then again it wouldn't because of some cases. though, i also feel that it would be rather difficult to render a decision. i guess it would have to determen whether or not i believed the one who is being sued or whatever.

Monday, March 11, 2013

3/11/13 BR

i dont understand why you can not bring a thing of toothpaste upon a plane. WHY? how is it so dangerous? what is dangerous about it? i mean i can understand why pocketknives and other things like that, that are harmful but toothpaste. really come one now.

Friday, March 8, 2013

3/7/13 BR

rand paul spoke for about 12 hours. i really do not see what the point is in doing the flubberbuster or whatever it is.

filibuster- is an action like a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening.

cloture- is a procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote.

did you know that the word filibuster is a dutch word meaning pirate?
did you know that the filibuster was conducted by jimmy stewart?
did you know that in 1841 a threatened filibuster foiled Senator Henry Clay's?
did you know when senators started to filibuster in the mid 1800?
did you know in 1917 a group of 12 anti-war senators successfully filibustered a bill?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3/5/13 BR

none of this is good news. north koreia is just going to end their treaty with south koreia

Monday, March 4, 2013

3/4/13 BR

I feel that thte rich should have to pay their share of taxes seeing how they have the money to pay them unlike others who dont.

3/1/13 BR

its scary to trust the north korean leader after he has made a threat plus he had let his guard down. though we should still keep our guard up.

Friday, March 1, 2013

2/28/13 BR

1. The death rate of teens has indeed gone up in the past few years. I feel that is becuase of bullying on the social media and in schools as well.
3.Sexting.... well this is kinda a big issue being that it can ruein ones life. Can stop you from getting jobs, it makes you look bad for one.
4. I dont understand why exactly they got in trouble for doing the harlem shake. That's really stupid though that they did get into trouble.