Tuesday, March 12, 2013


what are the different types of juryies?
 there is a Grand Jury and a Petit Jury
A Grand Jury does not decide whether or not someone is guilty or not guilty. They hear the evidence and then decide if the person should be indicted and tried for committing a crime. If you go to court and selected to be a Grand jury you may spend more time then what you would for a Petit Jury.
A Petit Jury will hear a persons case that is either a criminal or a civil case. A Criminal calls for 12 jurors and a Civil calls for 8 jurors. Criminal must find the person guilty or not guilty. Civil calls for at least three-fourths to reach a verdict. Civil also has an alternative juror just incase one of the others are sick or unforseen circumstances.
How do you become a Juror?
The jurors are chosen at random from a list of names of registered voters.

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