Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Federalist and Anti-Federalist 8/28/12

Who are you? How old are you in 1787?
~My name is Samuel Adams. It is the year of 1787 so that makes me 65.
Are you a Federalist or Anti-Federalist?
~I am an Anti-Federalist
What is your personal history up to 1787?
~ I was born on September 27 1722. I was an American Statesman, politica philospher, and one of the Founding fathers of the United States. I saw the act as an infringement of longstanding colonial rights on 1764. In 1760, I was a part of a movement opposed to the British Parliaments efforts to tax the British American colonies without their consent. In 1774, after Parliament passed the Coercive Acts, I attened the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. In 1778, I signed the Articles of Confeeration with the other Massachustes delegates but they were not ratified by all of the states until 1781. In 1787 I expressed my displeasure as I wrote to Richard Henry Lee " I confess, as I enter the Building Istumble ot the Threshold. I meet with a National Governmet, instead of a Federal Union of States.
What was your role in Consitutional Convention?
~ I was appointed as a representative where I was most noted for my oratory skills, and as a passionate advocate of independence from Britian.
What started veiws would explain your actions during the Constitutional Convention?( use questions in your answers and cite sitations.

What is your stance during the ratifying convention? Who supports your viewpoint?
~I clearly dislike the proposed constitution and that's why my supporteres expressed dismay when I was elected to the Massachusetts ratifying convention that began deliberations in Sanuary 1788.
What are your veiws of this new pior of government?What are the benefits or dangers?

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