Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4/10/13 BR

1.) the first cartoon i looked at was a woman looking about all happy at a poster on a wall. there is a man across from her also looking up at a poster all happy only its a different poster than the womens. i think it is an advertizment for the movies.

2.) the second cartoon i looked at is about gun control. a waitress and a costumer are having the conversation while another man is sitting down from the costumer that is talking to the waitress. the costumer thinks that if someone has a mental illness then that person should not be able to own a gun. the waitress says something about storm troopers taking away your guns and the costumer says something about ammo hoarding psyhosis then she says something about people having lack of sociopathic empathy for the victims of senseless gun violince. and the guy that is sitting down from them thinks to himself welp their on the list.

3.) this third one im not so sure what is about i dont fully understand it. though there is this lady leaving a salon and one of the people inside says to the other " yeah, hilary is running! she has a new due." i think its meaning that "hilary" is running for office.

4.)the fourth is about north koria. its a "jerk" in the box saying boom goes the evil. im guessing it is about how were having war against them or their in charge or something in the manner.

5.)i dont understand the fifth one but it has to do with obama taking a voluntary 5% salary cut.

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