Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4/18/13 BR

1.) Obama went to comfort those whom were effected  by the Boston Marathon Bombing. I think its sweet the he took his time out and went to talk to the families and let them know that he cares about what happened.
2.)Seeing how zip codes tell a lot more then people think, it kinda scares me. Tell Marketers prolly know a lot of our personal things. Though I guess it's kinda easy for cashiers to ask for it so when they match you up and what not.
3.) Im not sure how I feel about the hole gun control thing. I mean i kno there are going to be glitches and mistakes but they need to some how control it from happening. Now any one being able to buy a gun whenever they want. I have a problem with that. I feel that if a person as lets say a mental problem they shouldnt be able to own a gun.

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