Thursday, September 20, 2012

9/19/12 Assignment

1. Complete bell ringer
2. research the first ammendment and the right to five parts of the first amendment
~Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of the Press, and Right to Petition.

3. Examine how much privacy one has in the digital age we live. Write a paragraph
~We do not have a baseline privacy law in this country. We do have sectoral privacy laws – the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act, the Video Privacy Protection Act – but the next new phone, or the next new tablet, or the next new facial recognition device, or the next new drone – well, when these come into market, there‘s no evergreen law that provides a floor of protection for users, that governs the type of data companies can collect, the type of transparency or choice they have to offer consumers or, alternatively, how these companies can or cannot use the highly sensitive information they may end up storing.

4. Research the patriot act and summarize it in a paragraph.
~On October 26, 2001, the Patriot Act was signed into law by George W. Bush. This act was a response of the terrorist attack that happened the same year in September. The authority doesn't allow anyone who they think are suspected terrorist deport. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.

5. Write a paragraph detailing if the patriot act is a violation of the first amendment
~I don't think it's a violation because of why the Patriot Act is in act. The only reason we have it is because of the terrorist attack. It should be able to come in play and know all information about a person who they think is a suspected terrorist. It's the only way to keep our country safe anymore. There really isn't anything else they could do unless they know all their information.

6. Find a news article and copy and paste the link where you feel the person used their privacy as an "excuse" to get away with something

7. Find a news article and copy and paste the link where you feel a person's privacy was not protected 

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