Thursday, September 27, 2012

Social movement assignment number 9/27/12

 To whom it may concern,

I am here today to talk to CNN about the major drug issue that seems to be going on not only in West Virginia, but everywhere in the United States. There are over 4 million people in the United States that are addicted to drugs. If the use of addicted drugs do not stop, who knows what could happen.

Not only adults and teens today are addicted but young kids in middle schools! I am a senior at Philip Barbour High School and I have came to realize that drug abuse is a MAJOR problem in society today. It was only a few months ago I was out somewhere and heard some kids (in middle school) talking about smoking marijuana. I was unsure on how to react to this.

Knowing some of those kids and who some of their family and friends, I wasn't to to surprise to hear them talk about it. Though it breaks my heart to hear them talk about that that is all they want to do when them get home from school. Some kids even take pills to school with them. They will do anything to get high. I haven't heard of any middle schoolers with pills as much as I have with the high schoolers.

I am stressing this because I know people whome have graduated already, have not gone to college, and have already been in jail numerous of times for drugs, theft, and child pornography. People will do anything to get another pound of marijuana, Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate, and cocaine.

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