Thursday, May 9, 2013

5/9/13 BR

the bell ringer is talking about oxyana and oxycontin. the people in wyoming county town dont like it because they dont have a drug problem.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5/8/13 BR

she thinks he violatited her freedom of speech. she jus wants people to give in and give her what she wants i think.

5/7/13 BR

she more les wants mone and attention

Monday, May 6, 2013

5/6/13 BR

The bellringer talks about how the bomber from the Boston bombing's uncle is planning his funeral and no one wants to do it. I honestly don't blam them for not wanting to. I sure wouldn't, that's just me though.

Friday, May 3, 2013

5/2/13 BR

they were charged with trying to mess up the investigations. plus they throw away the backpack that had a lot of things in it.

the quote is true we do need to stand up to those who do wrong.

i dont think that they couldnt have bombed bost and not caused hacvo.

people should always try to help those in need and if you dont you possible could help those in need.

if i were a friend of them i probably would have told the polices and stay out of their way as much as possible.

Monday, April 29, 2013

4/29/13 assinment

in 2000, i was in kendergarden. i cant remember anything major happening or big events. but on july 25, 2000, a Concorde jet crashed outside of Paris after takeoff killing 113 passengers. 1oo passengers 9 crew members and 4 people that were on the ground died in that accident. those passengers were flying to john f kennedy airport to go on a cruise.

in 2001on 9/11, 19 Islamist terrorists hijack four commercial jets, killing nearly 3,000 in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. i remember this happening i was in the first grade at Anna Jarvis Elementary School. I think my teacher then was Mrs Knotts. She made us hide under our decks for the longest time. Then she turned on the news. Im pretty sure mom or my grandfather came and picked my brother and I up from school.

2002, NBA Finals, Los Angeles Lakers beat New Jersey Nets 4 games to 0. I remember watching this with my older brother and fighting with him to change the channel because i wanted to watch something different.

2003, President George W. Bush declares that 'major combat operations' in Iraq are over. This made some people happy and others not so much.

on march 11, 2004 there was a train bombing in Madrid killing at least 170 people.

A lot of things happened in 2005. Lance Armstrong retired, Apple announced they will switch to Intel processors in 2006. and so much more.

Many things had happened in the year of 2007. Bulgaria and Romainia joined the European Union. Apple Computer unveils the revolutionary iPhone and more.

In August of 2008, Michael Phelps wins 8 Gold Medals in 2008 Olympics. I use to always watch the Olympics everytime they came on because of Michael.

In 2009, The "swine flu", the H1N1 influenza strain is the first condition deemed a global pandemic since the Hong Kong flu of 1967 - 1968. I remember this happening. I ended up getting H1N1 my freshman year and had to miss a football game because of it. I wasn't bery happy.

2010, U.S. President Barack Obama proposes a $3.8 trillion budget for fiscal 2011 which projects a record-high budget deficit of $1.6 trillion in fiscal 2010.

2011, In Germany, at least 10 people die from cucumbers infected with the deadly bacteria E. coli. I did not know about this!

2012, Love letters written between poets Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning are published online by Wellesley College and Baylor University.

2013, The U.S. military used B-52 bombers in joint military drills with South Korea; in response, North Korea threatens to attack America's military bases in Japan.

4/29/13 BR

i think it's stupid that they wouldnt allow one prom for both white and black. it does make me happy that four girls two white and two black come forward and finally did something.

Friday, April 26, 2013

4/25/13 BR

its talking about banning strapless dresses. that's stupid because weather or not a girl wears a stapless or with staps guys are still going to get distracted.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4/18/13 BR

1.) Obama went to comfort those whom were effected  by the Boston Marathon Bombing. I think its sweet the he took his time out and went to talk to the families and let them know that he cares about what happened.
2.)Seeing how zip codes tell a lot more then people think, it kinda scares me. Tell Marketers prolly know a lot of our personal things. Though I guess it's kinda easy for cashiers to ask for it so when they match you up and what not.
3.) Im not sure how I feel about the hole gun control thing. I mean i kno there are going to be glitches and mistakes but they need to some how control it from happening. Now any one being able to buy a gun whenever they want. I have a problem with that. I feel that if a person as lets say a mental problem they shouldnt be able to own a gun.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

4/17/13 BR

on the 15th of april, there was a really bomb exblowtion at the boston marathon. over 140 people were injuryed and 3 were killed. they do not have someone to blame but they believe it was a terrorist.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4/16/13 BR

im not so sure how to react to this but i am glad that the did search his apartment though he could be here for just school. but why didnt they search the people who had bookbags?

4/15/13 BR

the court is trying to decide what to do with the gun situation and what not. im not so sure how things are going to go down if the court decides to take away the ability to carry guns outside away from homes when those people have license to do so.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4/10/13 BR

1.) the first cartoon i looked at was a woman looking about all happy at a poster on a wall. there is a man across from her also looking up at a poster all happy only its a different poster than the womens. i think it is an advertizment for the movies.

2.) the second cartoon i looked at is about gun control. a waitress and a costumer are having the conversation while another man is sitting down from the costumer that is talking to the waitress. the costumer thinks that if someone has a mental illness then that person should not be able to own a gun. the waitress says something about storm troopers taking away your guns and the costumer says something about ammo hoarding psyhosis then she says something about people having lack of sociopathic empathy for the victims of senseless gun violince. and the guy that is sitting down from them thinks to himself welp their on the list.

3.) this third one im not so sure what is about i dont fully understand it. though there is this lady leaving a salon and one of the people inside says to the other " yeah, hilary is running! she has a new due." i think its meaning that "hilary" is running for office.

4.)the fourth is about north koria. its a "jerk" in the box saying boom goes the evil. im guessing it is about how were having war against them or their in charge or something in the manner.

5.)i dont understand the fifth one but it has to do with obama taking a voluntary 5% salary cut.

Monday, April 8, 2013


I will say that we do need to be more strict on the whole texting while driving because its dangerous. People do not take the law serious so they continue doing it but what they are not realizing is that they are taking a risk at crashing into to someone and either killing or injuring them and theirselves. I feel that there needs to be more said about the punishment for texting and driving or they need to make a stronger punishment.

4/8/13 BR

I think it's wrong to text and drive even though i do text while driving. I do think it is crazy at the amount of adults whome text while driving. Even when they know its wrong and dangerous. Im not saying that it is right for teens to text while driving because they know as well as the adults.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3/27/13 BR

i think its unfair that gay couples cant get married. i dont see what the big deal is why they cant and why people are so against it?!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/13/13 BR

Byrde made a law that all government funded institutions to educate the students on the 17th of september. Byrde thought that it was imprtant for them to get the knowlegde of the constitution and the bill of rights and i agree with him.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


what are the different types of juryies?
 there is a Grand Jury and a Petit Jury
A Grand Jury does not decide whether or not someone is guilty or not guilty. They hear the evidence and then decide if the person should be indicted and tried for committing a crime. If you go to court and selected to be a Grand jury you may spend more time then what you would for a Petit Jury.
A Petit Jury will hear a persons case that is either a criminal or a civil case. A Criminal calls for 12 jurors and a Civil calls for 8 jurors. Criminal must find the person guilty or not guilty. Civil calls for at least three-fourths to reach a verdict. Civil also has an alternative juror just incase one of the others are sick or unforseen circumstances.
How do you become a Juror?
The jurors are chosen at random from a list of names of registered voters.


would you like to be a juror ...and why or why not...also mention which cases would be difficult for you to render a deicsion.

Umm... i think i might like to be a juror because it sounds like it would be fun though then again it wouldn't because of some cases. though, i also feel that it would be rather difficult to render a decision. i guess it would have to determen whether or not i believed the one who is being sued or whatever.

Monday, March 11, 2013

3/11/13 BR

i dont understand why you can not bring a thing of toothpaste upon a plane. WHY? how is it so dangerous? what is dangerous about it? i mean i can understand why pocketknives and other things like that, that are harmful but toothpaste. really come one now.

Friday, March 8, 2013

3/7/13 BR

rand paul spoke for about 12 hours. i really do not see what the point is in doing the flubberbuster or whatever it is.

filibuster- is an action like a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening.

cloture- is a procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote.

did you know that the word filibuster is a dutch word meaning pirate?
did you know that the filibuster was conducted by jimmy stewart?
did you know that in 1841 a threatened filibuster foiled Senator Henry Clay's?
did you know when senators started to filibuster in the mid 1800?
did you know in 1917 a group of 12 anti-war senators successfully filibustered a bill?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3/5/13 BR

none of this is good news. north koreia is just going to end their treaty with south koreia

Monday, March 4, 2013

3/4/13 BR

I feel that thte rich should have to pay their share of taxes seeing how they have the money to pay them unlike others who dont.

3/1/13 BR

its scary to trust the north korean leader after he has made a threat plus he had let his guard down. though we should still keep our guard up.

Friday, March 1, 2013

2/28/13 BR

1. The death rate of teens has indeed gone up in the past few years. I feel that is becuase of bullying on the social media and in schools as well.
3.Sexting.... well this is kinda a big issue being that it can ruein ones life. Can stop you from getting jobs, it makes you look bad for one.
4. I dont understand why exactly they got in trouble for doing the harlem shake. That's really stupid though that they did get into trouble.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2/26/13 BR

I have and still do sleep text. I havent really ever thought about it though

2/25/13 BR

Im honestly kinda glad the West virginia is all for pro gun and isnt against it anymore.

2/22/13 BR

They went to petition to drive the corn prices up because they are low. West Virginia is ranked last almost in the mental health catagories.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

2/20/13 BR

They should renew it because it keeps the safety net for the southern states.

2/19/13 BR

I dont feel that we all should be required but there should be something that is required for longer than a year or two. Though I do feel that we all should serve our country but we shouldn't have to be forced to do it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

2/14/13 BR

well the birth rate is kind of low and some people feel that they dont need kids to help them on the farm. a lot of people take birth control and use condoms.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/12/13 BR

talks about nuclear test being conducted and in the past it wasnt such a huge deal. they should watch for the nuclear test though.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2/11/13 BR

talks about how Obama spent the year talking about dept reduction and gun controll and other things.

2/7/13 BR

west virginia wants to take our gun rights away. i think its stupid. everyone knows nobody cares what the government says.i dont know why they ae making it a big deal about taking our rigts away because we wil still se our guns no matter what so its kinda poinless.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/6/13 BR

it talks about digital learning day. it also says that its good to use technology. all schools throughout america use technology in schools.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

1/31/13 BR

i feel that everyone needs to just give up on the gun controll thing because it is never going to happen. and even if it were going to happen it still would not stop the killings. and in west virginia pretty much everyone owns a gun and you heardly ever hear about a gun shooting here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1/30/13 BR

I feel that if you go to college for something then you need to get a job for what you went to college for.

1/29/13 BR

They have said that here pretty soon in boy scouts and 4h gay will be able to join along with other groups. Some people are making a big deal out of this but i personally think its a good idea because it should not matter what one sex likes as long as the dont make it a deal while sesions are going on.

1/16/13 BR

Washington started using a new license plate "taxation without representation". They will be using those plates on the presidental cars.

1/15/13 BR

A few other states along with West Virgina had nothing to do with the say of gun control. I'm sure they wouldn't because all of the people who go hunting and what not. Though Tomblin said something about a magazine that some what made since.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/14/13 BR

It's not going to matter or not whether or not if the ban weapons or not if someone wants to go on a war path killing people or whatever they are going to do it one way or another.

Monday, January 28, 2013

BR 1/28/13

Hillary Clinton for president? Well I personaly consider that being an okay idea. I mean what harm could it be? I'm sure she would be a better president then O'bama. The world would probably be so much better if a woman were president. They have never gave a woman the chance to be. She would have my vote!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/22/13 BR

Monday, January 21, 2012 was Martin Luther King Jr. Day along with the inaugarition of the U.S. President. President Obama gave his second inauguration to the public on Sunday, January 21  but it wasn't aired until the 22nd. Obama recited everything that took place in the past four years and thing's that are going to happen in the next four, we hope. He talked about gun control, and gay rights. It was the first time a President championed gay marriage in inaugural address. Gun control was mostly his main point. Beyonce sang the National Anthem at the ball for everyone who attended. Over a million people attended the inauguration in 2008 but only 800,000 previously. Republicans weren't pleased with Obama's speech and said that he didn't outreach to everyone enough. Many festivities took place througout the week, such as a ball and a parade. It was the 57th Inauguration Ceremony. It usually lasts all day and all night. He says the White House looks forward to continuing to work with both the House and the Senate to increase certainty and stability for the economy. More specifically, they targeted the defense of the programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

Friday, January 4, 2013

civics 7th period mid term exam review


  1. People who move from one country to another are called________________.
  2. People who are visiting or non-citizens are called____________________.
  3. A ______________ democracy is when citizens vote on all issues.
  4. The United States government is a _________________________ Democracy.
  5. ____________________ is the study of the rights and duties of citizens.
  6. ____________________ is a ruling authority for a community.

Constitution: Please define each article by listing the correct Branch of Government

Article 1: __________________________________________

Who are the two members of this branch of government?

What are 3 duties of this branch?

Article 2: _______________ ______________________________

Who are the members of this branch of government?

What are 3 duties of this branch?

Article 3: ____________________________________________________________

Who are the members of this branch of government?

What are 3 duties of this branch?

Bill of Rights: Please define each amendment.

Amendment one:____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment two:_____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment three:___________________________________________________________________________

Amendment four:___________________________________________________________________________

Amendment five:_____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment six:_____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment seven:__________________________________________________________________________

Amendment eight:___________________________________________________________________________

Amendment nine:____________________________________________________________________________

Amendment ten:_____________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, January 3, 2013

BR 1/3/13

You would think that the man that was stealing the trailer would think something was odd. A plane flying over top of me, it followed me miles down the road? But I guess theifs just aren't that bright. What an idiot!!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

BR 1/2/13

The Senate and The White House had finalized the details with their deal to avert the fiscal cliff. The bill pretty much follows the framework from this afternoon from the McConnell-Biden talks, with key additional details. Tax rates will rise for good, to Clinton-era levels for families with income above $450,000 and individuals above $400,000. The estate tax will be set at 40 percent with a $5 million exemption. The sequester will be delayed for about two months. Half of the delay will be offset by discretionary cuts, split between defense and non-defense. The pay freeze on members of Congress, which Obama had lifted earlier this year, will be re-imposed.